Does Blackbear Write His Own Songs?

Publish date: 2024-05-26

The curiously named Blackbear has been on the musical scene since 2006, but does he write his own songs?

Blackbear does indeed write his own songs, and always has. Not only that, but he has also written music for many other top artists, from Billie Eilish to Justin Bieber. 

Read on to learn more about Blackbear’s musical talents. 

Young Man, Long Legacy

Blackbear was getting deeply involved with the music industry from a very young age. He formed a band when he attended high school in Florida, which released an album and was signed with a record label. In the middle of his schooling, Blackbear dropped out to pursue music full time. Ultimately, he has found nothing but success since. 

However, like a surprising amount of modern-day artists, Blackbear was no stranger to struggle before his success. He was born in 1990 to a ‘teen mom and a heroin addict’ in Florida, and always felt like a family outcast. His father left the family when Blackbear was very young, but his mother subsequently remarried.

As a whole, the family lacked any real money or opportunities. Although, his mother and step-father did try and nurture his creative side, opting to buy him his first guitar at the age of six. By age eleven, he would be playing performances for his friends at birthday parties. 

The way in which Blackbear shines the most is undoubtedly in his vocal talents. He has a rather unique voice and an impressive range, which he pairs up regularly with fantastic song writing talents. You can see one of his many performances on YouTube, in which he’s singing his song ‘me & ur ghost’ and playing bass guitar.

By 2020, Blackbear had released five studio albums and a further two  collaborative albums with other artists. He’d also co-written or produced another eight tracks for prominent artists. Most successful of these credits was his work on Justin Bieber’s ‘Boyfriend’, in 2012. This track was massively successful for Bieber, and by extension, Blackbear.

The list of artists Blackbear has collaborated with is huge. His songwriting skills are famed, and some of the biggest names in musical talent turn to him for assistance. He has written every song he’s ever personally released. 

Not Without Struggles

Although the deeply talented Blackbear has found great fame through his musical and songwriting skills, he hasn’t lived without struggles. Discounting his familial issues growing up, Blackbear found himself in some troubling situations as he transitioned into adulthood.

As a result of excessive drinking, he was diagnosed with necrotizing pancreatitis, a condition that causes inflammation and severe damage to the pancreas. Blackbear found himself travelling to and from hospital frequenting, engaging in bouts of surgery and treatments to mitigate the effects of this condition.

However, he recognized the damage he was doing, and sought to change his ways. He decided to abstain from drinking, with the help of close friends. One of whom was the late Chester Bennington, of Linkin Park fame. Chester tragically took his own life in 2017, but also suffered with pancreatitis. 

The vast majority of Blackbear’s songwriting influences come from his interactions in relationships. There have been many songs written by the artist that tell stories based prominently on partners or interactions with those close to him. An interview in 2018 highlighted this, suggesting that, “A common theme in Blackbear’s music is girls, and the pain from rocky relationships.” 

Although, that aspect does seem to be a thing of the past. In January of 2020, Blackbear announced that he and his partner had had their first child, Midnight Thomas Musto. In June of 2020, Blackbear put up a charming image on Twitter of him and his baby. It’s an inspiring image that shows that struggles can be defeated with persistence and determination. 
