How to get Fnatic Derke's crosshair code in Valorant

Publish date: 2024-05-14

Despite being out for just two years, Valorant has made a mark for itself in the tactical first-person shooter (FPS) scene. To make things even better, the game has an active professional circuit comprising of teams and players.

Nikita "Derke" Semetev is a Valorant pro, playing for the Fnatic roster. He's represented the team in four major LAN tournaments, with VCT Masters 2022: Copenhagen being his latest.

Although Fnatic couldn't make it to the finals in the VCT Masters, the team put up a stellar performance in the tournament. Derke was good as well, managing to put up a noteworthy performance for his fans.

Setting up Derke's crosshair profile in Valorant

The 19-year-old Valorant professional has already made his mark on the global stage and has garnered quite a large fan following. Given that he's so good at the game, it's only natural that his fans would want to follow his playstyle.

Crosshairs are an important part of any game. Without one, it would be very difficult to hit a target accurately. The best part about Valorant's gameplay is the fact that players can create their own custom crosshair profile. Not only that, they can also import various crosshair profiles, allowing them to copy what their favorite pros use in the game.

Here's Derke's crosshair code for players to use in the game: 0;P;o;1;d;1;f;0;0b;0;1b;0. They can just copy this code and import it inside Valorant, and they'll be all set with Derke's crosshair in the game.

However, for those who would like to build this entire crosshair manually, here's a quick rundown of every parameter required to build Derke's crosshair in the game.

These are the parameters that players will need to take note of while building Derke's crosshair. Once done, players can stop here and use it in the game. Alternatively, they can tweak the parameters a bit to customize their crosshair even further and tailor it to their comfort.

How to set up a custom crosshair in Valorant

Players need to click on the highlighted icon in order to be able to import the crosshair code (Screenshot by Sportskeeda)

Setting up a custom crosshair isn't that difficult of a job in the game. In order to do this, players will have to first navigate to the settings menu in the game. To do so, they will have to:

  • Launch Valorant, and then click on the cog wheel at the top right corner, which should open up a small window.
  • Players will have to select the Settings tab on this window. That should open up a whole new page for them.
  • On the new page, players will have to click on the Crosshair tab that is right at top of the screen. After clicking that tab, they can either tweak the settings by adjusting the fields below.
  • Alternatively, players can copy the code mentioned above and then click on the icon highlighted in the image. That should open up a dialog box where players can paste the code. That should be enough to import Derke's crosshair for them.
  • Players can easily set up custom crosshair profiles by using this procedure.

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