Interview: Scott McGlynn - CelebMix

Publish date: 2024-05-01

Scott McGlynn was one of the people in The Guardian’s Top 100 LGBT inspiring people, which is amazing. Scott is also a successful author, journalist and celebrity interviewer who is now branching out into podcasts! So, naturally, we couldn’t wait to get chatting with Scott!

Hi Scott, how are you?

I’m awesome, Thank you! 

So can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Of course, I’m an Author / Presenter / Celebrity Interviewer and Podcaster.

Now we know that you were on the top LGBT list 2016, can you describe what that felt like?

When I saw it in print I was looking again and again and AGAIN! HA! It was an honour to be on there it was amazing! To join with amazingly talented, inspirational people! 

In relation to that, you wrote your own book called Out, what was the response like to that book?

The response has been amazing, honestly from meeting people, and knowing I’m helping people suffering from bullying or giving advice on coming out, It makes my day! 

So what’s been going on for you this year?

Busy start of the year, December – January I’ve been planning my LGBT podcast show, Now I’m travelling the UK talking LGBT issues and anti-bullying campaigns.  

You’ve started a podcast, how’s that going?

The podcast is going awesome thank you! Honestly, the response is just incredible! A lot of people likes to jump on broad which I am over the moon about =)

So what sort of things do you discuss on the podcast?

The show is talking everything LGBT so from coming out, dating, and sharing stories, it’s very diverse which what I wanted from the start. I get special guest to come on from Daniel Franzese, Perez Hilton, Darren Scott, Leon Lopez, Bielfield talking about their careers, LGBT issues and fun chit chat =)

Obviously, you’re a huge social influencer, do you have anything you’d like to say to our readers who look up to you?

I’ve said this from day one! Never change who you are! Just embrace it! Not many people know this but people bullied me for how I sound, I hated my voice, avoid to speak, but I said one day no! I made myself someone and now I have my own podcast show! 

Thanks for chatting with us here at Celeb Mix!
