Lisa Rinna defends her horrid lips from cyber-attacks

Publish date: 2024-06-03


Lisa Rinna will sometimes do something interesting, but she always f-cks it up somehow. Like when she gave a big interview about Heidi Montag’s big plastic head and body, saying that Heidi’s People Magazine cover was not “something you want to bring in the house and say, ‘Oh, look.’” Because Lisa has two daughters, you see, and she didn’t want them to see someone so plastic… unless it was their mother, I suppose. Of course, instead of standing by her hypocrisy, Lisa quickly backtracked and apologized to Heidi for some reason. Crisis averted! Oh, wait. Heidi still looks like a circus freak. Nevermind.

Anyway, the latest bogus controversy for Lisa is all about Twitter, of course. Sidenote: how did we even have gossip before Twitter? What did we do before celebrities were making asses out of themselves on a daily basis on Twitter? Anyway, some commenter attacked Lisa on her Twitter, writing “Sorry Lisa, but your lips look awful…how on Earth do you think that looks good?” Lisa, of course, got on her high horse about “cyber bullying”. Here’s part of her train of tweets:


[From Lisa’s Twitter]

I mean… sure, cyber bullying sucks, I get it. And Lisa’s point about “what if you said that to someone younger” et cetera makes sense too. But it just feels like she was the one who was bothered by someone calling her out on her crazy lips, and instead of just saying “f-ck you, Thin Lips,” Lisa decided to make into a “cyber bullying” teachable moment. Eh.


Lisa Rinna & her tragic lips on March 31, 2010, November 5, 2009 & July 28, 2009. Credit: WENN.
