Toni Storm confirms marriage to former WWE Superstar

Publish date: 2024-04-17

The pro wrestling community has received breaking news, as Toni Storm just confirmed her marriage to former WWE star CJ Parker (AKA Juice Robinson in NJPW).

Toni Storm walked out of the Stamford-based company in 2021, frustrated with her under-utilized role in the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. Months later, she rejoined the squared circle by signing with AEW.

In a recent interview on The Sessions podcast, the 26-year-old revealed what she was up to during her time away from the ring. Surprising everyone, she announced that she had married her longtime fiance Juice Robinson.

“After I quit WWE I went really quiet for a bit and it was obviously a weird time, so we were just like should we just get married? Things are already kind of strange right now so we should probably just get married so we did. We were gonna have a big wedding then we made a guest list and were like ‘it’s so much work’ let’s just get married... We did it at like 10 ‘o’clock in the morning and we were like giggling, we were having a great time.” Storm said. (H/T Inside The Ropes)

Toni Storm has undoubtedly been able to keep the wedding a secret all this time. Now that it is out in the open, Sportskeeda wishes her and Robinson all the health and prosperity they deserve.

What did Toni Storm's husband do in WWE?

Currently signed with New Japan Pro-Wrestling, Juice Robinson was formerly known as CJ Parker in WWE. Although he did not have any notable appearances on the main roster, he was primarily featured on NXT.

Initially utilized as an enhancement talent, Robinson went on to have several matches against prominent superstars like Roman Reigns, the Miz, and The Great Khali.

After his release in 2015, Robinson eventually wrestled in the independent circuit before signing with NJPW. He is a three-time IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship and a one-time tag team champion.

He also had a brief stint with IMPACT Wrestling, where he is a one-time IMPACT World Tag Team Champion. Fans will have to stay tuned to see how his run progresses in the future and whether he appears alongside Storm in the ring.

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